Backup photos, music, documents and more for pennies a day.
Starting at $4.95 per month
Business grade data backup for PCs and servers.
$3.95 + $.50 per GB
per month
High performance online backup that's scalable and secure.
$6.95 + $.50 per GB
per month
Concentsus Sign Up

Thank you for selecting Concentsus for your backup needs.

Please select the backup and support plan that best matches your needs:

Backup photos, music, documents and more. Starting at $4.95 per month.

Business grade data backup for PCs and servers. $3.95 + $.50 per GB per month.

High performance online backup that's scalable and secure. Desktop: $3.95 + $.50 per GB per month. Server: $6.95 + $.50 per GB per month.